Death and Transfiguration, a Dramatic Dance Video choreographed by Valentina Oumansky

Death and Transfiguration are ideas visualized in a dramatic dance video choreographed by Valentina Oumansky, inspired by Robert Louis Stevenson’s essay, AES TRIPLEX meaning “impenetrable defense.” Dance, music and literature are combined in this unique video entitled AES TRIPLEX CIRCA PECTUSã which uses a card game to parody death. The cast of actor-dancers, including Dennis Schaller (Stevenson) and Tarumi Takagi-Inouye (Wild Card), performs to a rarely heard “Theme and Variations” by Beethoven, and Stevenson’s words are pronounced trippingly on the tongue by the late-great Stephen Elliot.

“The noise of the mallet and chisel is scarcely quenched, the trumpets are hardly done blowing, when, trailing with him clouds of glory, this happy-starred, full-blooded spirit shoots into the spiritual land.”    —Robert Louis Stevenson

© 2014 Death and Transfiguration by Valentina Oumansky
Death and Transfiguration by Valentina Oumansky was a Featured Poet who read his poetry at the February 2014 Second Sunday Poetry Series