Hollywood born, Ms. Oumansky studied at Columbia University and graduated Mills College with a BA in Dance. Following a notable professional career on stage and in films, she choreographed and performed in national tours and symphony performances as solo dramatic dancer. Her solo career gave way to a dance company and the creation of the Valentina Oumansky Dramatic Dance Ensemble and later a non-profit foundation. VODDF is based out of the Studio Theatre at St. Denis Building, historic-cultural monument #763 in Los Angeles honoring Ruth St. Denis, mother of modern dance in America. Ms. Oumansky pioneered the technique of Dramatic Dance - an approach to the use of movement that presupposes the need to express some aspect of the human condition through action, with the added use of literature, music, voice, props, etc. to be performed on stage or for camera by dancers. She has choreographed scores of original dramatic dances and video productions, and conceived Project IMAGE (Inner Motivated Artistically Geared Expression) after years of outreach work for students in low-income schools.
© 2015
Valentina Oumansky
Valentina Oumansky Dramatic Dance Video was a Feature at the September 2015 Second Sunday Poetry Series
Valentina Oumansky Dramatic Dance Video was a Feature at the September 2015 Second Sunday Poetry Series